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World Income and Population Project


Use this data from (2010 - CIA) to answer these questions below. You can work together. The 2nd column is population in July 2010 and the third is purchasing power parity (ppp) which is like how much the average person earns.

This will be graded as a project out of 20 points (2 points each question)


Put all your answers in a open office text document (or word).

Research Questions

1. Pick 5 countries that have populations larger than 10 million that you have never heard of. For each find:

  • What part of the world is it in?
  • What is the average people earn (PPP)? What is the population?
  • Find one interesting fact about the country.

2. Answer these country questions

    • What is the richest country in South America?
    • What are the 2 poorest country in the world? Why are they poor? (Google those countries)
    • What is the richest country in the world? Why is it so wealthy?
    • Were you surprised by any country's income?

Computer Questions


3. Find the mean population of a country.

4. Find the standard deviation for a population of a country. (use stdevp [standard deviation population])

5. How many people are there in the world in 2010?(according to this data)

6. Find the mean income around the world in 2010? (You will need to be clever, this is sort of like a freq distr. [in Qatar there are 840926 people making $145,300 so that is $122,186,547,800



7. Create a categorical frequency table for the development status (either LDC (least developed), developing, or developed). Find how many people live in LDC countries (income <10000) Developing (<25000) and Developed is 25000 and above.

8. Create a pie graph based on above.



9. Find the standard deviation of income around the world.

10. Find the median of income around the world.


Extra credit:

1. Credit a frequency

Upload the document when finished here: name it Project1 - Peter Smith